Concealed Carry and Home Defense
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.
This class exceeds the Oregon and Utah Concealed Carry Permit training requirements. You’ll walk away with an understanding of conflict avoidance and situational awareness; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and why it’s important to have a legal and financial backup plan if you are ever forced to defend yourself. Owning or carrying a firearm is about taking personal responsibility for our safety and the safety of our families, and recognizing that we are our first responder. It’s time to take that responsibility seriously.
Countering The Mass Shooter Threat
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In this class you will be introduced to an analysis of 48 mass shootings that have occurred since Columbine. Study author Michael Martin analyzes data gathered from these shootings
to determine what can be learned from these tragedies, including whether a reduction in magazine capacity or the banning of any class of firearm would have changed the outcome.
Martin also looks at whether “gun-free” zones figure into the planning of these mass murderers; whether victim response at any mass shooting has made a difference; and whether
“universal background checks” or other proposals by gun control advocates stand a chance of stemming the current trajectory of these shootings. You will be introduced to a process
where an organization can develop a plan to prepare for a mass shooting.
Womes Handgun and Self-Defense
USCCA’s “Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals” is a welcoming and engaging training guide created by a woman for women who are seeking to begin, improve upon, or add to their
firearms skills. With three distinct modules (Women's Basic Pistol, Women's Intermediate Pistol, and Women's Defensive Pistol), this course is designed to reach students who are brand
new to firearms and those who are ready to learn more about defensive shooting. Basics and fundamentals will be introduced, reviewed, and then built upon, while also exploring situational
awareness, common types of handguns, ammunition types, malfunctions, firearms handling skills, defensive pistol fundamentals, and the use of deadly force. Whether you’ve never touched a
firearm, you’re looking for the next steps in your training, or you’ve chosen to learn about the skills, tools, and mindset needed to use firearms for self-defense, you can be prepared
to carry confidently every day with tips and techniques from experienced women in the world of firearms.
Emergency First Aid Fundamanetals
In this class you will learn the fundamentals of first aid. You will learn how to prolong the life of a loved one long enough for the ambulance to arrive. While most Americans are
comfortable dealing with the cuts and scrapes of everyday life, and tens of thousands have learned the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, most individuals would be a bit less comfortable dealing
with severe, life threatening injuries or illnesses when seconds count, and EMS personnel and the emergency room are minutes (or longer) away. In this online course, USCCA You will learn
the proper way to access a patient, and the proper way to deal with significant issues such as serious bleeding, chest injuries, a compromised airway, spinal injuries, broken bones, and more.
While it might seem unrealistic to translate what professional EMTs and paramedics are able to do in an emergency versus the things that non-professionals would be capable of, but in
life threatening medical and traumatic emergencies, it all boils down to the same thing — sustaining the life of the patient until he or she can be delivered to the emergency room.